Monday, January 24, 2011


     I've recently been thinking of how Jesus wants to be my best friend. I guess I've always known this to be true, but it's just hitting me more than before, or maybe I'm just allowing the truth to sink in. And I'm finding I want to be desperately in love with Jesus too. 

AND that's all He wants from me, my love. What else can my response be to the God who gave everything for us? He sacrificed it all. What else can my response be to His overwhelming grace that covers me? Jesus, your love is full, rich, deep, and more meaningful than anything in this life. Thank you for being what holds me together both now and throughout eternity. You love me even when I turn my back, when I don't give you time, when I'm upset with you, when I'm throwing a fit, and when I sin against you. You love me, and there's nothing I could ever do to make your love run out on me. How are you this legit? I desire to be washed, immersed, plunged, and drenched in your love. Jumping into the waterfall of your love.
I want to love you more fully and with all my heart. soak me. in. love. I want to be baptized with your love Jesus. For it is your love that holds all things in life and death, and eternity together.

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 1 John 4:16b